* This article is republished from the WIT (currently World in You) website (June 21, 2015).


WIT selected two additional investees to contribute to long-term rebuilding and disaster preparedness, and to bring social ventures that can solve global issues in Tohoku and beyond. WIT will provide funding and management support to the two organizations to accelerate their social and economic impact.

Founded in July 2011 in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, WIT has supported nine social ventures in Tohoku. WIT decided to continue its support to four out of the nine social ventures in the beginning of 2015, and opened an application calling for new investees in May 2015. WIT reviewed all the received applications and selected the below two organizations.

We very much appreciate all those who considered applying, applied, and make references.

While Investment Committee suggests “judging side” vs. “to be judged,” WIT’s investment committee is designed to create a co-learning and generative process through open discussion by all participants including finalists and audience.

Some of the voices from the participants are;
“Excited to discuss lots of specific and practical ideas,” “Even in this short time, we discussed things we never talked in our team,” “Great mental exercise. Very refreshing!”


《WIT New Investees》


Locations:Ishinomaki City and Tome City, Miyagi
Theme: Healthy Life for Everyone through Preventive Care for Senior People
Founder:Daigo Hashimoto
URL : http://rilink.is-mine.net/
What They Do:After the earthquake in 2011, a team of rehabilitation experts started supporting senior citizens in Ishinomaki. When their support recipient passed away from disuse syndrome, they thought they could have done more, and decided to launch Replus to prevent the same unfortunate death. Their mission is to create a society where everyone regardless of age and disabilities can live healthy life. Since its inception in January 2013, they have reached more than 4,000 people a year.



Locations:Sendai City, Miyagi and others
Theme: Collaboration Platform to Connect Nonprofit Organizations in Tohoku and Designers All Over the World
Founder:Ryota Tateuchi
URL : http://gifthope.jp/
What They Do:Many designers outside of Tohoku, despite their willingness, were not able to directly support the disaster-hit areas due to physical distance, and lack of communication and information. Ryota Tateuchi and others started GIFTHOPE to make small nonprofits in Tohoku and designers outside of Tohoku collaborate for rebuilding. GIFTHOPE select a nonprofit organization to support for the month, and sell charity t-shirts designed only for the nonprofit through their online commerce site. Part of the revenues is donated to the nonprofit and paid to designers as licensing fee. Their mission is to change society with power of design by developing and selling not only those t-shirts but also other socially conscious products.


Please see the details in the press release (Japanese only): リリース: WIT 2015新規投資先決定



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