* This article is republished from the WIT (currently World in You) website (April 10, 2015).


WIT decided to provide a grant of about 2,100,000 JPY to Chimichi, one of WIT Investees, to launch an organizational coaching project for social ventures in Tohoku and co-develop the program. Funding comes from the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund of Japan Society in New York.

Chimichi, with more than eight years of experience in citizen-led community development and nonprofit management, together with WIT and professional coaches, will co-develop and offer coaching, advisory, or workshop programs to social ventures in the disaster-affected areas in Tohoku. In the pilot phase of this project (six months to one year), other WIT Investees (other than Chimichi) will use the coaching services.

Relationship problems like dysfunctional teams or less motivated employees are everywhere. However, start-ups, especially nonprofits often do not have enough time and resources to invest in team management. Social ventures’ activities are supported by a diverse set of stakeholders including volunteers and donors, and not addressing these team management issues can negatively affect the performance and sustainability of the organization.

Traditionally, the area of team management has merely a target of grant in the nonprofit sector, nor caught much attention in Japan. Therefore through helping team communication and management, WIT, Chimichi and professional coaches collaborate to create an environment where organizations in Tohoku can sustain their social impact.

Press release is available in Japanese リリース: 被災地の社会起業へチームコーチングで持続性アップ.




About Us:
World in You cultivates leaders, organizations, and communities that co-create across boundaries to better society. We have provided leadership development programs to 200+ mission-driven organizations, 500+ leaders from the business and social sectors, and students.
Book “Governance of non-profit organizations” (2020, Eiji Press)