
World in You envisions bringing people together from all walks of life to make a better world. To that end, we cultivate leaders, organizations, and communities that co-create across boundaries – different sectors and countries – to better society.

Our activities are supported by generous contributions and grants from individuals, companies, and foundations, and program fees from participants, companies, and organizations.

Please join us in bringing people together from all walks of life to make a better world by making a donation to World in You.

Donate directly to World in You

We accept Paypal and wire transfers to our Japanese bank account. Please contact us for the details.

Donate to World in You through GlobalGiving

World in You accepts tax-deductible donations from GlobalGiving, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit in the United States. Donations from Global Giving are tax-deductible in the United States. You can donate through GlobalGiving even if you do not live in the United States. We accept credit cards, PayPal, and checks. See the World in You page on GlobalGiving or more information.

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