【PRESS RELEASE】WIT Funds Impact Assessment of Preventive Eldercare Program in Tohoku
* This article is republished from the WIT (currently World in You) website (January 8, 2016).
WIT decided to provide a grant of 1,360,000 JPY to Replus, one of WIT Investees, to implement impact assessment of its preventive eldercare program. SROI Network Japan will conduct the social and economic impact assessment. Funding comes from the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund of Japan Society in New York.
Replus provides rehabilitation programs to eldery and disabled people and preventive eldercare program in Miyagi, Japan. Their rehabilitation program has been successful in improving physical capacity of users. For example, an old woman, who couldn’t walk without canes, recovered to be able to walk by herself after three months of participating in Replus’ program.
This impact assessment project aims to articulate the impact of Replus’s program on improving the physical condition of the users and lessening future need for eldercare both qualitatively and quantitatively. Since quality improvement of eldercare and preventive care can directly lead to cost reduction on the government side, we also hope to collaborate with the public sector to promote health of the elders.
In addition to assessing the impact, SROI Network Japan will provide Replus’ staff members and stakeholders with impact evaluation training to promote understanding about impact assessment and using the knowledge for further development of the program.
Please see the details in the press release (Japanese only): リリース:介護予防の社会経済的インパクト評価を開始
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Book “Governance of non-profit organizations” (2020, Eiji Press)